Time ’22’ Start

20180630_063444Here I go!  Day one, but ready for day two too.  I thought it was Time 2.. 2 start this!  Thought I’d use my lucky number two, since I started that day with Life on earth, 2/22. So, this is my new beginning, a new life ahead, of writing, beginning new things, and just plain living.  Time to start taking time to start what I love!

So…When is it ever time to begin something you know you’ve put off for longer than you should?  When is it time to begin? Now! Writing is what I have longed for since I was a little girl.  Creative writing and poetry got me through my childhood.  Journals, and stories, and deep emotional words that could escape through my pen, and place it on paper. Where I could release all my pain, and deal with all the emotions. To deal with being me. Just how many times have I said, “My dream is to write a book one day?”  Well, I said it at least 2 too many times! Time 2.. 2.. Start that dream!

So today, for many reasons, today draws me to start, to do it, to take the time to start that dream. Today I will finally listen, and so……. let’s do this!

My name is Lori Ann (Wicken) Koenig.  I was born on 2/22 and the year, does it matter?  No, it does. 1964! Very Proud to be born the year the Beatles came to America.  A new era, new music, and I am Proud to be a sixties baby, music lover, and end of the Baby Boomers, overlapped with the Gen X.

Even Wikipedia says:  “There are no precise dates for when Generation X starts or ends. Demographers and researchers typically use birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s.”  So Baby Boomer or Gen X? I say both!

Also, since I was born on Feb 22nd, I was born on the cusp of the Zodiac signs (well not the new ones? What?) That took a weird turn looking those dates up.  I digress though.

So, Aquarius (1/21 to 2/19) and me, Pisces (2/20 to 3/20) I am very close to being a part of 2 different signs in Astrology, too.   So, there’s that, two different generations. and just for some reason, numbers have been strange to me, hence my career in accounting I guess.

One other number fun fact: My sister Deborah, Debi, my Irish twin, my best friend, and now, my angel, was born on 2/11/65.  (For sure another blog)  Well, we were the same age for 11 days.  That was always fun to tell people and celebrate together!  So, we always had her 11 + 11 days = 22.  Can you guess? Her number was 11 btw. 🙂

So, 2day’s first blog and new page for me to write, is called, Time22Start, because it really is Time for me 2 start.  Maybe 22 times too late, but definitely 22 times and more, I’m ready to begin.  Time “22” Start this journey!

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